Knowledge Management Standards

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Blog Created by Clement Rehlotse Nakin

Student at the University of Johannesburg

Shenzhen Meteorological Service Center 

Shenzhen Meteorological Service Center, introduced the use of standards as way in which they as a company operate and also as away in which they help grow and further develop the organisation. SMSC being the first organisation to use these standards within the meteorological service field.

Image result for Knowledge StandardsImage result for Shenzhen Meteorological Service Center

Importance of standards

The standards were pivotal in terms of decision making with the organisation, as well providing the industry with the ways of lightning protection. It has been able to enhance innovation for the standardization of the meteorological industry, furthermore it has been able to improve communication with other essential partners in the industry. SMSC having been able to use standards were able to become leaders within their industry. According to the article, in order to ensure that there is public safety and to ensure that the meteorological services are ensuring that social benefits are maintained, on-site inspections of lightning protection are essential.

Benefits of standards
As such standards are utilized, these include technical specifications for that inspection of the lightning protection systems within the buildings, and also that safety requirements and test specification of lightning protection, these are standards are essential in terms of creating a framework which is flexible and thus able to provide knowledge for the meteorological services and also provide them with a state of readiness.
Standards are essential in terms of helping the Meteorological industry with ways in which they can operate in that specific environment, whilst providing them with a guideline and goals of how they can use knowledge within SMSC to ensure that they provide efficient and effective knowledge for their customers. Standards are able to provide SMSC with a strategic value over their competitors thus allowing their credibility to grow in terms of possessing the correct knowledge.  Knowledge management standards were able to provide SMSC with some form of way in which they can audit their work, and benching, which was essential in terms of helping them allocate all the knowledge required in providing a quality service.
Image result for benefits of knowledge management standards

Fun Fact😊😊😊
Image result for Fun Fact about knowledge management


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