Knowledge Translation

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We can simply define knowledge translation as the umbrella term of all activities involved in terms of research, academic conference or laboratory and placing it into actionable use. Knowledge Translation has two processes, namely, research and action, which are essential in terms of combining with other communicative relationships.
For knowledge translation to be efficient and effect, it must incorporate collaborations, partnerships and an active special communicative relationship with researchers and the research-user. Knowledge translation is vital in terms of addressing many challenges and as such has been able in trying to eliminate the know-do gap. I was able to establish that we use knowledge translation platforms such as blogs which help in terms of evaluation thinking and allow for the flow of knowledge.Knowledge translation is vital in terms of addressing many challenges and as such has been able in trying to eliminate the know-do gap.
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In terms of knowledge management, blogs are essential as they provide individuals with as platform whereby the exchange of information takes place. Blogs are getting recognition in most industry as they are knowledge creators, they allow for individuals to learn. Blogs provide benefits such as growing an organisations presence as they are more interactive thus leading to attraction. it allows for employees to communicate news about that specific industry, and thus allowing other individuals to give their personal insights about that specific, which leads to them analysing and adapting that knowledge thus leading to evaluative thinking.

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Evaluation thinking allows for individuals the opportunity to know what people want or what they want change, blogs can be considered evaluation thinking. Blogs have become one of the many, useful Knowledge Translation toolkit, as they allow for individuals to post their knowledge, which may be tacit or gained from other external places such as conferences on a website.  
  • ·         It allows for an interaction between the blogger and the visitor, as it has a leave a comment section.
  • ·         Blogs provide individuals or organisations with benefits such as increasing an institution’s presence by means of having a more interactive platform, which will lead to attraction of people.
  • ·         They create a platform, which allows for knowledgeable individuals to discuss vital topics.
  • ·         Allows for quick and easy read due to the fact it includes key concepts.
  • ·         It can also lead to collaboration opportunities via feedback loops.
As such Blogs are vital in terms of knowledge translation as they allow for the flow of knowledge.
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Image result for fun fact about knowledge


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